With so many social media apps, notifications and dozens of open tabs, website designers really have to fight for young people’s attention these days. But it’s not just about getting their attention, it’s about keeping it long enough for users to perform the action you want them to perform, and this critical time that can make or break a sale is measured in seconds.
So when designing a website, one of the main challenges we face is attention management.
As a business owner, you want your organic marketing efforts and ad spends to convert into leads, subscribers and buyers.
Young people (18-25 year-olds) are digital natives. A lot of them grew up with a smartphone in their hands and now they are entering college, starting jobs, families, and they spend the majority of their time on the Internet.
Young people are your target market now and into the future.
They are not all tech experts, but they’ve used a few good apps and websites and a few really bad ones, so they know what a good interface is.
They like simple and functional sites like Google. In fact, they love Google. It’s just a search bar – everything you need on a search engine website, right? But in their world, sometimes a search bar is all you need, period. Because when they’re not on Google, they’re on YouTube, Facebook & Instagram. Search is an integral part of the digital experience.
Whether applying for a visa, ordering food or buying clothes, a search bar on your website can make or break a young adult user’s experience.
It can be a central element of both sales pages and homepages. It acts as its own Call to Action by saying SEARCH ME, as well as a reference point.